| Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the morning. | |
| Strawberries have more Vitamin C than oranges. |  | | |
 | Sugar can lower your immunity. | |
| You use more calories eating celery than there are in celery itself. |  | | |
 | To find out if a watermelon is ripe, knock it, and if it sounds hollow then it is ripe. | |
| Onions help reduce cholesterol if eaten after a fatty meal. |  | | |
 | Eat oranges as fast as you can to get rid of your cold. | |
| Eat everything in moderation rather than first not eating it at all and then gorging on it! |  | | |
 | Add color to your plate. Different colored fruits and vegetables have different benefits. So have a mix of yellows, greens and purples | |
| Don’t skip breakfast. This will reduce your calorie intake for the whole day. |  | | |
 | Eat small healthy meals throughout the day rather than the usual three large meals. | |
| Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. |  | | |
 | Avoid canned food, especially fruit juices and energy drinks as they are loaded with sugar. | |
| Avoid stacking unhealthy snacks. Buy them only when you crave for them. |  | | |
 | Variety, balance and moderation are the key to a healthy diet. | |
| Eat more fish. Cut down on red meat, fish and chicken are healthier . |  | | |
 | Cut down on saturated fats and sugar. | |
| Have handful of nuts for a healthy snack. |  | | |
 | Cut down on sugary biscuits and fizzy drinks. | |
| Eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables. |  | | |
 | Have a complete vegetarian meal once a day, preferably for dinner. | |
| Don’t go to bed immediately after dinner, instead take a walk or tidy your kitchen. |  | | |
 | Go for toned or double toned milk rather than full cream. | |
| Go slow on cheese, mayonnaise and butter. |  | | |
 | Snack healthy rather than cutting on snacks. sprouts, egg whites, a glass of milk or fresh juice, fruits are some good options. | |
| Prefer brown or multi-cereal bread over white bread. |  | | |
 | Include onions and garlic in your every day meal. Onions lower blood pressure whereas garlic reduces cholesterol. | |
| Drink water between meals instead of during them. |  | | |
 | A well-balanced breakfast should provide adequate energy and nutrients and contribute to at least 20-25% of daily energy and nutrient needs. | |
| Include a bowl of fruits as an important part of your breakfast. Banana is one of the wholesome options as it is filling and convenient to have in mornings. |  | | |
 | Children who eat a good breakfast tend to perform better in school, and have a better attention, concentration and decreased hyperactivity. | |
| If on a weight-loss diet substitute cheese with a home made paneer made with skimmed milk which is low fat and rich in protein as well. |  | | |
 | Carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for your body and the only carbohydrate that your brain can utilize is glucose. | |
| Fruits and salads serve as ready-to-eat low calorie high fibre snacks! Delicious, filling & nutritious! | | | |
 | Apples kept in a cool, dry place will last up to 1 week. For longer storage, refrigerate in a plastic bag for 4 to 6 weeks. | |
| Select broccoli with firm stems, crisp leaves and tightly closed dark green or purplish-green buds. Bunches with yellow or open buds and woody stems are no longer fresh. |  | | |
 | Select fresh mushrooms that are firm, heavy and evenly coloured with caps that are free of blemishes. Avoid those that are slimy or have soft, dark spots. | |
| Risk of water contamination and water borne diseases increase during monsoons so ensure that all drinking water is boiled or from a safe source. |  | | |
 | Wash fruits and vegetables 2-3 times under running water. | |
| When trying to lose-weight, reduce your food intake in a natural way by starting with a glass of water 15-30 minutes before the meal. This makes you feel full and you will eat less. |  | | |
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